Friday, May 29, 2009

Should marijuana be legal for medical purpose

The article written by Andraz Melasek gave me pro and cons about legalizing marijuana. It stated the effects of marijuana which was that is it a widely used drug that causes hallucination, disorientation and feeling exhilaration and anxiety. Marijuana also causes asthma and loss of appetite. So should the government legalize a substance that affects the human body?
In this world there is always going to be people who agree and disagree on the action the government takes. That is why this topic causes different opinion like some believe that marijuana treats chronic pain and help the body with the unbearable pain. Other believes that it causes high rate of depression. I believe that marijuana should not be legalized because then people would find excuses to legalize other drugs like cocaine and crack. Which truly affect the human body and become very addictive. I also believe that the government should have never legalize alcohol and tobacco because both effect the body.
Marijuana is also known to be a stepping stone to heroin, cocaine and other harmful drugs. Drugs in general increase the rate of accidents like for example car accidents. So most people can agree that legalizing drugs is not the right thing to do if they do legalize it is more likely for children to get a hold of it. These are all reasons as to why marijuana should not be legalized for medical purposes. This is the reason why I rule against the court case of Nemsgerm v. the United States.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Opinion post

I believe that if the Mexican government was as strike as the Iran government you would see less crime occurring in Mexico. Even though I believe the punishments are too crucial you do not see as much crimes as you do in other countries. I don’t think that hanging people cuts it but they believe that it works. But as I have said before the Mexican President is working hard to stop it and soon or later we will see changes.
With this articles that I have research I have learn so much. I have learned the affects these drugs have on the human body. I have earn the different punishment given in different countries and some of the people involve or wanted by both Mexico and the U.S because of drug trafficking. I also find out creative ways that drug trafficker ship the drug like for example where they hide it. I found out they hide it in places like toy, candles and even creating sub marines.
These are methods that make it difficult for police to detect but soon or later they end up finding it. I learned that drugs kill little by little, and that the reason why the government wants them out the streets is because they harm us. I learn the reasons behind why the government fights hard to stop these criminals. Now I realize that this is an issue that effecting everyone worldwide.

Opinion post

I believe that if the Mexican government was as strike as the Iran government you would see less crime occurring in Mexico. Even though I believe the punishments are too crucial you do not see as much crimes as you do in other countries. I don’t think that hanging people cuts it but they believe that it works. But as I have said before the Mexican President is working hard to stop it and soon or later we will see changes.
With this articles that I have research I have learn so much. I have learned the affects these drugs have on the human body. I have earn the different punishment given in different countries and some of the people involve or wanted by both Mexico and the U.S because of drug trafficking. I also find out creative ways that drug trafficker ship the drug like for example where they hide it. I found out they hide it in places like toy, candles and even creating sub marines.
These are methods that make it difficult for police to detect but soon or later they end up finding it. I learned that drugs kill little by little, and that the reason why the government wants them out the streets is because they harm us. I learn the reasons behind why the government fights hard to stop these criminals. Now I realize that this is an issue that effecting everyone worldwide.

Summarizing Comment

The article “Iran hangs 29 drug traffickers, murders, and rapist”. This article capture my attention because all these articles I read that dealt with the issues occurring in Iran had no name. I believe that the reason why these articles had no names was to protect their identities. This country has every strike laws. This article stated that 110 people were executed already on this year (2009). The human right group stated that in the year 2007 247 death penalties have occurred in Iran more than any country in the world except China which had 335 executions.
Those who commit crimes like drug trafficking, rape, murder with torture, armed robbery, drinking alcohol and possession of ammunition are given the death penalty. Tehran prosecutor believes that these executions would send a strong warning to criminal. He also wants to pass down a bill that promotes the same punishment to those who promote corruption, prostitute and apostasy on the internet which mean someone who abandon the faith and is probably speaking about it publicly. The recent case about execution dealing with drug trafficking this year in Iran is 5 people.
In some Country’s the penalty is more lenient with people then in other. I believe that the reason they are so strike with the penalties is because a part of it has to deal their religion and what they believe is morally wrong and in other cases that want to prove a point so that other won’t commit a crime. They also use these executions as a method to lessen the crimes in Iran.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Opinion Post

I believe that drug trafficking occurs because of the demands of the America people causing wars in Mexican cities. Making citizen feel unprotected and unsecure in their own country. This all began when the Mexican government declared war on drug traffickers and cartels causing violence’s to get out of control. The Mexican people don’t even feel safe with the authority because they say that they are involved in some of this crime. Another reason why many officers are being killed is because the government is finally fighting back to stop drug trafficking and this Cartels. The President is not hesitating nor is he afraid to take action. People are afraid to speak out against these cartels.
I also believe that little by little they are stopping these criminals. I think that the government will but an end to this criminal. I also know that the President won’t rest till the crime in the Mexican street are not minimized or stopped completely. First they have to target those who are corrected and work hand to hand with the government like board patrol, police officer and even those who work in the correctional facilities. This people tend to fall in the drug business or usually help them get always with this crime in exchange for money. Then target every single drug trafficker, they try to convince the U.S President to pass law to also stop the drugs from entering the United States.
If these actions are taken I believe things will change and slowly they will get things under control because this is not something that happens over night. I believe that President Felipe Calderon has this best attitude to deal with the problems in Mexico because he doesn’t plan to back down from them.

Summarizing Comment

This article was written by Deborah Feyerick, Michael Cary, and Sheila Steffen full story covered by CNN. Now drug traffickers are doing anything they can to get smuggle drugs into the U.S. They have took it to the extent of placing drugs in tables, toy, furniture, holiday candles, and even tennis shoes boarder officer state. They are involving anyone they can from officers to those who work for the government to get the drugs from one place to another and make money. Since this drug business is a multimillion organization they don’t care what they have to do to get the drugs to their destination they would do it. They are not stopping at anything hitting drugs in different location from the car for example the tiers or engine. This are places board patrols have states to find drugs in.

Their only goal is to make money. Now drugs trafficker are targeting teenagers to do their dirty work for them. The reasons why they target teenager is because they are naïve and think that working for them is an easy way to get money. The teenager gets them self involve in a dangerous business not really realizing the danger of it. They are usually offered up to 4,000 dollars each time they ship the drug to where they are asked to this idea becomes every tempting so they are usually dragged into shipping drugs. The federal government estimated that the sale of marijuana in the U.S makes up 61 percent of the Mexican cartel’s income that is 8.5 billion dollars more than double of what they make in cocaine, and if you watch this video on this website you would notice that most of all the teenagers held in custody are found with marijuana.

This article states how they have become so creative that they have even created tunnel to ship the drug from Mexico to the U.S. The government has work so hard to prevent the drugs from making it to the U.S. They place officer to search cars every day on the high way. Officers usually find 5 to 10 loads a day from 50 to 500 pounds anything from marijuana to cocaine. They also patrol the eastern pacific coast off of the central of southern America. The reason they do it is because they have upgraded to also using submarines that are hard to detect. These are all situation that make it hard for the Mexican government to control this problem that are affecting everyone.

Summarizing Comment

The fairness in cocaine sentencing act 2009 was to try to control the number of people that are incarcerated. The policy that Jim web tired to pass was to eliminate penalties for cocaine offenses. The reason why he states that everyone should support this policy he also said that more than 1 million cartels and gang members are in jail.. Five percent of the world’s population 25% is reported to be in prison. The number of people in jail has increased greatly, and it is known for time as many people who are mentally ill are in prison instead of a mentally ill hospital.
Those who support this are the Obama’s administration and the democratic and republican party. This is a way to deal with the injustices of the jail system. When people are given maximum sentences when they come out in society they are not capable of function correctly in society because many jobs reject them, and in many cases they are not capable of doing things others can.
He believes that they should be punished but that they should be given probation first like a warning and then give them prison time but not the maximum sentences. I believe that we should all promote this idea and support it along with Obama’s administration and Senator Arlen Specter to fix the system. There are millions of people in jail for crime that are not that serious that is why he believes that they should be an overview in how long people should get for the crime they do.
I also believe that they should go over the cases of those who are already incarcerated and see if the court gave them the correct jail sentences. The reason I say this is because I know someone who is incarcerated for procession of a criminal weapon on third degree, robbery second degree and was given a go see so that the court can consider for early release on the year 2056 and if they do decide on releasing him he would be given parole for his entire life. I believe that is an injustice committed on an individual even though I believe he should serve jail time that sentences was too extreme and I believe that many people can agree with me on this.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

link & Comment

This was a 2003 article that i found about the Thailand government trying to crackdown drug trafficking. When the campaign began to track down these criminal 596 were killed, and more than 720 government officials were being investigated because they were suspected of having something to do with drug trafficking. They estimated that 2,500 were killed on the 3 month journey to capture everyone that was involve in drug trafficking. They also stated that as much as 1,400 were killed and weren't even involved with drugs. I believe that too many people were killed i believe they should have only arrested them.